Summer is here and that means there is time to read some good books! It's been said that the only difference between who you are now and who you will be in 10 years are the books you read and the people you meet. So true! So that being said, I'm trying to read some good books this summer.
I just finished up reading
Crazy Love by Francis Chan. The book was very challenging and convicting. I would definitely recommend it but also to take it slowly. It's one of those books that is most beneficial if read over time so that you can soak it up. Be ready to make some changes in the way you think about your Christian life.
The second book I want to read is the Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe. This book is actually one that my book club at work picked out. I haven't been able to read it yet, but I hope to in the near future. I've already heard great reviews by all who have read it.
Unbroken is another book I have been anxious to get my hands on. I love the WWII era and am also intrigued by any real life story, especially stories of survival and sacrifice.
Next up is Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. I have already started this and have been challenged to consider what sins I tolerate in my own life. I'm spreading this book out over the whole summer so that I can take it all in. Jerry Bridges is a great author so I'm sure this book will not disappoint.

Last but not least, I think I might re-read the Hunger Games Trilogy! Yeah, I've never re-read any book, but this was such a page turner. I managed to read all 3 in 3 days. I didn't even see the movies because I liked the books so much. I do think it is interesting that there is no mention of God in the books. It may not have been the author's intention, but I do think these books are a good commentary on what life is like without God. This trilogy isn't overly joyful, in fact I was disappointed with the ending, but how appropriate it was. Also it is an interesting satire on big government. I don't think these books should be read purely for entertainment purposes, but with your brain turned on. How do you like that for a disclaimer :)
What is on your list for the summer?
PS I have some pots fresh out of the kiln! Can't wait to get some pictures up and introduce you to
Suzanne Vitti! She is a wonderful artist I have had the privilege of working with.